Friday, February 4, 2011

Add Slideshow onto your blog

If you want to add a slideshow onto your blog, first create an account in Flicker, Photobucket or ect. where you need to store your photos.

Here are the steps to create a slideshow onto your blog by using Flicker as photo source.
  1. Head to Flickr and sign up for an free account
  2. Make a new album and upload all your images
  3. Add description and tags to your images and click on Create a new set
  4. Give a proper name to your set and save the settings
  5. Click on Share this >> Grab the link and copy the slideshow code
  6. Go to Blogger dashboard and head to Layout >> Page Elements >> Add a Gadget >> Slideshow
  7. Give a title and choose Source and Option as Flickr and User respectively
  8. Paste the Slideshow code that you copied from Flickr
  9. Click on Save to save the changes you have made
  10. You are done.
Now you can see your Slideshow for Blogger blogs on your blog. You can later add or remove images from your Flickr account and edit your album accordingly so that it displays selected images accordingly.

(taken from :-

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